Create fencers list |
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This list will contain all fencers, and from this list you cand choose which of fencers will be part of MY FENCERS list and which will be part of OPP FENCERS list. A fencer can be in both lists, simultaneously. |
Edit data fencers |
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Delete fencers |
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Create MY FENCERS list |
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Create OPPONENTS list |
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Start a monitoring session |
1. Individual session |
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2. Team session |
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After finishing the BOUT 1 monitoring press the button Return |
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and choose the BOUT 2 and so on. |
How to monitor a match!!! |
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After each action press the button + to store the information in database |
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The score will be displayed on the top of the page. When the BOUT is over, press the button Return then press on the next Bout so on till the end of match: |
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Modify stored data for a session |
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Search for sessions |
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First list is for Individual sessions and bottom list is for Team sessions. Select a session from the list and press OPEN or REPORT. If you choose OPEN u may see the match, STEP BY STEP, or modify the stored actions. If you choose REPORT you will see a summary of a match, STEP BY STEP. |
Advance |
The `advance` is the basic forward movement. The front foot moves first, beginning by lifting the toes. Straighten the leg at the knee, pushing the heel out in front. Land on the heel, and then bring the back foot up to en garde stance. Also, the term advance is used in general for any movement forward by either step, cross, or ballestra. |
Advance-Lunge |
An advance followed immediately by a lunge. The extension can occur before or during the advance, but always before the lunge. A good long-distance attack, especially in combination with Handwork. An Advance, followed by a lunge might have a tempo of 1-2---3, but an advance-lunge should have a tempo of 1--2-3. |
Beat |
A simple preparatory motion. A sharp controlled blow to the middle or 'weak' of the opponents blade, with the objective of provoking a reaction or creating an opening. The action should knock the opponent's blade aside or out of line. |
Bout |
An assault at which the score is kept. Usually refers to a match between two fencers in a competition. This is the term used in the US to generally denote any combat between fencers, replacing the terms `match` and `assault`. |
Ceding Parry |
A method of parrying an offensive action executed by prise-de-fer or in opposition. The defender rotates their blade around their opponent's during the final stages of the offensive action and thus deflects it from the target in the same line as the offensive action was directed. |
Change of Engagement |
An engagement of the opponent's blade in the opposite line. Changes of engagement are sometimes performed to place one fencer's blade on the side of the opponent's blade that they feel has an advantage, or could be just to fool with the opponent. Often, a bout with a left-handed fencer versus a right-handed will see both of them jockey for position with changes of engagements. |
Circle-Parry |
A parry that moves in a circle to end up in the same position in which it started. A circle-parry usually traps an attack coming in a different line, but in the same high/low line. Thus, the parry 'Circle-Six' (circular outside-high) is effective against attacks in the Four line (inside-high). While commonly referred to as a "counter-parry," due to the circular motion of the parry, a circle parry does not necessarily need to be don in response to a riposte. |
Compound Attack |
Also composed attack. An attack or riposte incorporating one or more feints to the opposite line that the action finishes in. A compound attack does not necessarily lose right of way during its execution; it just comprises more than one indirect action. Compound attacks are usually used to draw multiple reactions from an opponent, or against an opponent who uses complex parries. A counter-attack into a compound attack must hit a clear tempo ahead of the compound attack to be valid. |
Counter-Attack |
An attack made against, or into, an attack initiated by the opponent. In foil and sabre, a counter-attack does not have the right-of-way against the opponent`s initiated attack. Counter-attacking is a common tactic in épée, where one may gain a touch by hitting first, and avoiding the opponent`s attack. Counter-attacks, especially in épée, are often accompanied by an action on the blade (beat, opposition, prise-de-fer, transfer). |
Counter-Parry |
A second, third, or further parry done in the fencing 'phrase' typically against a riposte or counter-riposte, and often as a result of Second-Intention. |
Counter-Riposte |
A second, third, or further riposte in a fencing 'phrase' or encounter. A counter-riposte is the offensive action following the parry of any riposte. They are numbered so that the riposte is the offensive action following the parry of the attack, counterattack or renewal, the first counter-riposte is the offensive action following the parry of the riposte, the second counter-riposte follows the parry of the first counter-riposte, and so on. |
Derobement |
An avoidance of an attempt to take the blade. A derobement is a reaction to the opponent`s attempt to entrap, beat, press or take the blade, in a circular, lateral, vertical or diagonal motion. |
Disengagement |
A (small) semicircular movement of the point which carries the blade to a neighbouring line of the one it leaves. |
Riposte |
A method of executing a riposte (or counter-riposte) by leaving contact with the opponent's blade. |
Direct |
An attack or riposte that finishes in the same line in which it was formed, with no feints out of that line. |
Disengage |
A type of feint. Disengages are usually executed in conjunction with an extension/attack, though technically, they are just a deception around the opponent`s blade. To use in an attack, feint an attack with an extension and avoid the opponent's attempt to parry or press your blade, using as small a circular motion as possible. Circle under the opponent's blade. The first extension must be a believable feint in order to draw a reaction. Be prepared to proceed forward with a straight attack if no parry response is forthcoming. |
Doublé |
A compound offensive action that describes a complete circle around the opponent's blade, and finishes in the opposite line. The full circle is done in reaction to the opponent`s attempt to parry the attack with one or more parries, generally circular in nature. An attempt to perform a doublé against an opponent who does not parry results in the attack running onto the opponent`s blade, and parrying itself. For a compound action deceiving lateral or semi-circular parries. |
Envelopment |
An action to seize the opponent's blade in one line and lead it (without losing contact) through a full circle to end in the same line. |
Feint |
An offensive movement resembling an attack in all but its continuance. It is an attack into one line with the intention of switching to another line before the attack is completed. A feint is intended to draw a reaction from an opponent. This is the `intention`, and the reaction is generally a parry, which can then be deceived. |
Flèche |
Flèche means 'arrow' in French. The rear leg is brought in front of the front leg and the fencer sprints past the opponent. This action is currently not allowed during sabre bouts, because the front and rear legs must not cross. In épée, a quick pass is essential, since the defending fencer is allowed one attack after the pass, so long as the defender's attack is in one action, with or without a parry, initiated before the pass is completed. |
Radopio/Patinando |
A recovery from a lunge, performed by pulling the rear leg up into en garde, rather than pulling the front leg and body backwards. Can be used to gain ground on the opponent more secretly than a standard advance, and when used sparingly can surprise the opponent by changing the expected distance between fencers. |
Lunge |
The most basic and common attacking movement in modern fencing. This description adheres basically to the French school of fencing, and describes the legwork involved. The actions of the hand/arm/blade are considered separately from this discussion. From en garde, push the front heel out by extending the front leg from the knee. Do not bend the front ankle, or lift up on the ball of the front foot. This means that the front foot must move forward prior to the body weight shifting forward. As the front leg extends, energetically push erect body forward with the rear leg. Rear arm extends during forward motion as a counterbalance. Land on the front heel and glide down into final position, with front shin perpendicular to the ground, and both heels on the floor. During this action, the torso should remain relatively erect, and not be thrown forward. Often, the back foot can be pulled along behind during an energetic lunge. It is important, and a fundamental characteristic of the lunge, to fully extend the back leg, obtaining full power from this spring-like extension. |
Neuvieme |
Parry #9; blade behind the back, pointing down; alternatively, similar to elevated sixte. Originally used in sabre, to defend the back against a passing or overtaking opponent. Covers the outside line on the back. |
Octave |
Parry #8; blade down and to the outside, wrist supinated. The point is lower than the hand. Covers the outside low line. |
One-Two |
A compound offensive action consisting of a disengage feint followed by a disengage to deceive a lateral, diagonal or semi-circular parry. |
Opposition Parry |
Deflecting the incoming attack without ever losing contact with the blade from the initial engagement. |
Opposition |
1. A method of executing an offensive or counter-offensive action whereby the fencer maintains blade contact throughout the action in order to control the opponent's weapon and prevent it from hitting. 2. An opposition parry is a parry taken against an offensive action executed by prise-de-fer or in opposition, which maintains contact with the blade and pushes against the opponent's action, deflecting it into the laterally opposite line from that in which it was directed. Opposition parries are correctly executed by using leverage rather than strength to deflect the incoming blade. |
Parry |
A simple defensive action designed to deflect an attack, performed with the forte of the blade. A parry is usually only wide enough to allow the attacker's blade to just miss; any additional motion is wasteful. A well-executed parry should take the foible of the attacker's blade with the forte and/or guard of the defender's. This provides the greatest control over the opponent's blade. In sabre, the guard should be turned appropriately using the fingers to protect the wrist. Parries generally cover one of the 'lines' of the body. The simplest parries move the blade in a straight line. Other parries move the blade in a circular, semicircular, or diagonal manner. There are eight basic parries, and many derivatives of these eight. In foil, the opponent's blade should not only be deflected away from the target, but away from off-target areas as well. An attack that is deflected off the valid target but onto invalid target still retains right-of-way. In sabre, the opponent's blade need only be deflected away from valid target, since off-target touches do not stop the phrase. Sabre parries must be particularly clean and clear to avoid the possibility of whip-over touches. In épée, a good parry is simply any one that gains enough time for the riposte; opposition parries and prise-de-fer are commonly used, since they do not release the opponent's blade to allow a remise. |
Pass Backwards |
Also Passe Arriere. A backwards footwork action. The front foot moves behind the rear foot on the body's outside. Landing on the ball of the front foot, the rear foot moves backwards to the `en garde` stance. |
Pass Forward |
Also Passe Avant, or cross forward. A forwards footwork action. The rear foot moves in front of forward foot on the body's inside. From the crossed position, the front foot moves forward into the `en garde` stance. |
Point-in-Line |
An established threat made with the extended arm. A point-in-line is a static threat, created by one fencer by extending the weapon and arm prior to any actions in a phrase. In foil and sabre, a Point-in-line has right of way, therefore, if the line is not withdrawn, any attack launched by the opponent does not have right of way. This can be likened to a spear poking up from the ground: If you throw yourself upon it, you have only yourself to blame. A successful attack on the blade will invalidate a point-in-line or cause the opponent to withdraw their arm. In épée, Point-in-line has no right of way advantages, but is still an effective tactic. |
Preparation |
Any action that precedes the actual launch of an attack. Preparation usually consists of actions against the opponents blade to take it out of line, or to provoke a reaction. In foil and sabre, any action that occurs during a phrase or conversation that precedes the establishment of right-of-way on the part of a fencer, often accompanied with a movement forward. In calling the actions in a foil or sabre bout, a referee may indicate preparation on the part of one fencer, meaning the fencer was moving forward without establishing right-of-way, and was vulnerable to an attack made during this time. |
Press |
Also "pressure." An attempt to push the opponent's blade aside or out of line from engaged blades. A press can precede a direct or indirect attack, depending on the opponent's reaction, but should be followed by an immediate threat (a full or partial extension). A press which is not followed by a threat may invite a disengage from the opponent, and an attack thereby. From an engagement, press smoothly on the opponent's foible, taking their blade out of line, and perhaps provoking a response. The thumb and fingers should provide the force behind this action. |
Prime |
Parry #1; blade down and to the inside, wrist pronated. The point is significantly lower than the hand. Covers the inside low-line. |
Prise de Fer |
an engagement of the blades that attempts to control the opponent's weapon. |
Quarte |
Parry #4; blade up and to the inside, wrist supinated. The point is higher than the hand. Covers the inside high line. |
Quinte |
Parry #5; blade up and to the inside, wrist pronated. The point is higher than the hand. This parry, more than any other, is subject to different interpretations in different schools (in foil and épée). In foil and épée, this parry generally covers the inside high line, since the pronated wrist can push further down than the supinated wrist (in Quarte). If the point and hand are lifted, this parry can also cover the inside low line with a sweeping action upwards, carrying the opponents point over the outside shoulder. In sabre, the blade is held above the head to protect from head cuts, but should still point slightly forward ready for riposte. |
Rassemblement |
The withdrawal of the front foot until it touches the left foot, usually combined with a counterattack (in epee). |
Recovery |
A return to en garde stance from any other position, generally by pulling backwards into en garde. Recovery from a lunge occurs by reversing the motions in a lunge, and recovering the extended arm last of all. A forward recovery involves moving the rear foot forward to return to en garde. For a center recovery, both feet move towards the center simultaneously. |
Redoublement |
An additional offensive action made after a previous offensive action (attack, riposte, counterattack or renewal) has failed and made with some further blade action, such as feints and disengages. An offensive action made immediately after a previous offensive action has missed or been parried. There are three types of renewal: the Remise (direct), the Redoublement (indirect or compound) and the Reprise (made after returning to the en garde position). |
Remise |
An immediate, direct replacement of an attack that missed, was short, or was parried, without withdrawing the arm. A remise is a direct continuation, meaning that no deceptions or changes of line occur with the continuation (replacement) of the attack. In foil and sabre, a remise does not have right of way over an immediate riposte. |
Reprise |
A new attack executed immediately after a return to the en garde position. Specifically, this most often refers to the movement of bringing up the back foot from the lunge and lunging again to renew the attack against an opponent who caused the initial attack to miss by retreating. A reprise may be direct, indirect, or compound. |
Retreat |
The basic backwards movement. Rear foot reaches backwards and is firmly planted, then front leg pushes body weight backwards smoothly into 'en garde' stance. |
Riposte |
1. An attack made immediately after a parry of the opponent's attack. 2. An attack with right-of-way following a valid parry. A simple (or direct) riposte goes straight from the parry position to the target. A riposte may attack in any line. Consider its equivalent in a conversation. |
Second-Intention |
In general, a term used to imply that the first action initiated is not the one intended to score. The fencer may initiate a move, anticipating (or intending to draw) a certain response from the opponent, against which a second action is planned. For example, Lunge Attack (anticipating that it will be parried), Parry the riposte, and hit with a Counter-Riposte. |
Seconde |
Parry #2; blade down and to the outside, wrist pronated. The point is significantly lower than the hand. Covers the outside low line in sabre, replacing octave. |
Semicircular Parry |
A parry that moves from a high line to a low line, or vice versa. The parry can also cross the body. The parry must be made in a semicircle to provide the enveloping movement needed to trap the attacking blade. |
Septime |
Parry #7; blade down and to the inside, wrist supinated. The point is lower than the hand. Covers the inside low line. |
Simple |
An attack or riposte that involves no feints. |
Sixte |
Parry #6; blade up and to the outside, wrist supinated. The point is higher than the hand. Covers the outside high line. This is generally the parry taught as the basic en garde position in foil and épée. |
Stop Hit |
Also Stop Thrust, Stop-in-Time. A counter-attack that attempts to take advantage of an uncertain attack. A properly performed Stop Hit allows a fencer to counter-attack into an oncoming attack, hit the opponent, and then still parry the oncoming attack (allowing a possible valid riposte as well). It may try to break the continuance of an attack by 'stopping' into it. However, it is still a Counter-attack, and does not have Right-of-Way against a continuous attack. |
Target Area |
The area delimited for valid hits in that weapon. Foil target area consists of the entire torso, including the groin and the bottom of the mask which covers the lame, and down to the waist in back. Head, arms and legs are considered off-target in foil. Épée uses the entire body for target. Sabre uses all the body area above the waist, except the hands and the back of the head. |
Tierce |
Parry #3; blade up and to the outside, wrist pronated. The point is significantly higher than the hand. Covers the outside high line. This is the basic en garde position in sabre. |
Yielding Parry |
Deflecting the incoming attack by maintaining contact with the blade and changing the point of contact between the blades, moving from a position of poor leverage to one using the forte for strong leverage. |